

☆ 大阪天満宮 Osaka Tenmangu Shrine


黄河壷口瀑布から60キロ先に登龍門で知られる龍門がある。黄河はこの門を通り抜けると一気に広がり大黄河になる。 壷口瀑布は西安から約400キロ陝西省にある。
激流を上ってきた鯉たちは門の前で待ち続け、門が開いた時 に先を競って飛び込み、登れた鯉だけが龍になるという話である。不撓不屈の精神 が成果を得るとの比喩である。

登龍門 "Hurdle of Dragon Gate (Left )

Osaka Tenmangu Shrineis located at Tenma Area just near to JR Osaka Station, which is very familiar with the mnemonic (pet name) so called “Tenmano Tenjin-San”. It was originally built in 949.  However, Osaka Tenmangu burned due to the Civil War of Oshio in the main hall and the shrine in 1837 and it was rebuilt in 1845. It arrives up to now

There is “ Hurdle of Dragon Gate”  in this Shrine and the story goes back to the Yellow River in China. At the place of 60km from the Waterfall of Hukou River, there is Dragon Gate which is known as “Hurdle of Dragon Gate”  

Yellow River will go through the gate and suddenly shows a big spread.
Waterfall of Hukou River is located in Shaanxi Province about 400 kilometers from Xi'an.
“Hurdle of Dragon Gate” is not opened frequently, but only once in several years.

It is really the strait gate of the Yellow River.. Carp came up in a torrent are waiting in front of the gate, where to dive competitively when the gates opened, it is said that the carp will become the real dragon who could go through the gate.  This is a metaphor for the spirit who can reap the benefits of hardiness.

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