

☆ 奈良・藤原宮跡 コスモスの花  Cosmos Flowers in Fujiwarakyo trace in Nara




天香久山 (あまのかぐやま 152m)、畝傍山 (うねびやま199m)、耳成山(みみなしやま)(139m) の大和三山に囲まれてコスモスの花がよく似合います。 コスモスがメキシコ原産とは驚きました。

Oct.25, 2014 (Sat)

Being carried away by a sudden impulse, I wanted to take a look at cosmos flowers at the Fujiwarakyo trace in Nara and went there by car in the afternoon. Fujiwarakyo trace is the ruins of the palace, which was the capital of Japan from AD694 to AD710 and formed the central of Fujiwarakyo. 

It is surrounded by three mountains of Yamato (Mt.Miminashi 139m, Mt.Kagu 152m, Mt. Unebiyama 199m).
Cosmos flowers really suit well in this calm scenery. But, I was surprised at knowing that cosmos flowers are Mexico origin.