

☆ お正月迎春飾り  New Year Decoration in Japan


New Year Decoration in Japan
New Year decoration is loaded with the meaning which wishes the bumper crop and sound health and also, with the meaning of a welcome a new year by driving off impurity and cleanse the mind of an old year, and meets God for the year of the new year, and deifies the ancestral soul.
Today I put a decoration on the entrance of my house for welcoming a happy new year.
Usually, it is decorated till January 15 every year.

We have only three days to reach the year of 2013.
I will pray that the year of 2013 turn into a wonderful year for you with wishing for your health and happiness, and would like to express many thanks to you who visited to my blog.
I do hope that more repeaters and new readers will visit and give me more comments to my blog.


☆ メリー・クリスマス  Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve - Song by Tatsuro Yamashita クリスマス・イブ - 山下達郎

雨は夜更け過ぎに 雪へと変わるだろう Silent Night, Holy Night きっと君は来ない ひとりきりのクリスマス・ィブ Silent Night, Holy Night

心深く秘めた想い 叶えられそうもない 必ず今夜なら言えそうな気がした Silent Night, Holy Night まだ消え残る君への想い 夜へと降り続く 街角にはクリスマス・ツリー 銀色のきらめき Silent Night, Holy Night

雨は夜更け過ぎに雪へと変わるだろう Silent Night, Holy Night きっと君は来ない ひとりきりのクリスマス・イブ Silent Night, Holy Night


☆ 「七宝焼」 Cloisonne ware

「七宝焼」 Cloisonne ware

私の姪は、幼きころから、なかなかユニークなイラストを描いていた。 将来は、画家かイラストレーターに向いているのではないかと思ったくらいだった。 しかし、実際は、その道には進まなかったのは残念だ。

My niece was drawing something unique illustration from her childhood age. I thought that she would be suitable for a painter or illustrator in the future. However, not having gone to that direction, it is regrettable in practice for me.


Then, she goes to the direction of "cloisonne ware" and came to express not a small thing like a brooch but big pictures by "cloisonne ware." Attached photographs are one of some works which the niece gave to me.


It is said that "cloisonne ware" is calcinated what applied glaze to metal at high temperature, and it is traditional handicrafts which give beautiful enamel-like coloring to the surface, and the technique produced in the Middle East got across to China via the Silk Road, and it was brought to Japan from there.


The history of cloisonne ware is very old, enameling on metal is already made in birthplace Egypt of glass in B.C. 4000, and blue glass was inserted also in the mask of Tut-Ankh-Amun's gold. Moreover, it is said that enameling on metal was used also for the pattern of the arms of a Celt race, or a horse implement which lived in Europe from before the Roman Empire ruled over.

陶器 Ceramics Art


My niece made the doll of the china by herself more than 25 years ago, then she gave it to me as a present. As long as time allows, it is being wished I want her to continue to make more wonderful works.


☆ 大阪・土佐堀川と能楽  The Tosabori-gawa River in Osaka and Play of Noh Drama

      (You can enjoy a larger size of photo by clicking on the photo.)
大阪市役所と土佐堀川 Osaka City Hall and the Tosabori-gawa River

12月に入ると朝晩が、めっきり寒くなる。 水の都「大阪」、中之島の南を流れる土佐堀川に来た。現在の大阪市内の橋の数は、838.これが 「なにわ八百八橋」と言われる所以である。

When in December, it will be getting much colder in the morning and night. I came up to the Tosabori-gawa River which flows in the south in NAkanoshima through the city of Osaka [the capital of Water ]. There are 808 bridges in Osaka and this is the reason why it is called as “Happyaku-yabashi” namely 808 bridges.


It is said that the Tosaborigawa River on the south is [Front River] and the Dojimagawa River on the north is [Back River] and they say there were daimyo's city storehouse by feudal clans along the shore, and was crowded with the boats loading with loading with the product of countries, and was a place of the Osaka merchant's activity during the Edo period in Japan.

大阪図書館(大阪府立中之島図書館) Osaka Prefectural Nakanoshima Library

能楽と狂言 Enjoying Noh and Kyogen played in front of the Library

Play of Noh Drama


☆ 四神のブレスレット  Bracelet of Four God


  (You can enjoy a larger size of photo by clicking on the photo.)

My wife bought a bracelet for me today.
Although today was not a special day, my wife bought it wishing my fortune will become good.
I have not seen such a special looking bracelet until now and it had given sculpture of the animal on four sides, and it is said that it expresses four God. and I have checked the meaning of the 4 animals on the Internet and it was very interesting.
Soon after I wear this bracelet, the good notice arrived for me.  From now on, it is wished fortune goes up.
It is said that four God refers to auspicious beast of four bodies of Genbu (Tortoise), a white tiger (Tiger), a blue dragon (Dragon), and a red Chinese phoenix (Phoenix).  In addition to these four God, a Giraffe will be coming in the center to be 5 God.
It is thought that the origins are Chinese thought and the Yin, Yang and five elements combination theory.
Let four God be merit with greatest power, respectively.
It is no wonder even if it realizes that there is a meaning of a talisman by allotting four Godor four souls. It is said that a Giraffe expresses faith, a Phoenix expresses peace, Tortoise foreknows good or ill luck, and a Dragon expresses constant transformation.
l  Giraffe is a legendary Chinese animal with a single horn, a deer-like body, horse-like hoofs, and an ox-like tail. 


☆ 京都・平安神宮神苑  Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden in Kyoto

1118日(日) 素晴らしい紅葉を見ようと京都にでかけた。

          (You can enjoy a larger size of photo by clicking on the photo.)

I went out to see the beautiful autumn leaves in Kyoto on November 18.
The Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden known in and abroad widely as a typical Japanese garden of Meiji Era, which consists of four yards of the east, inside, the west, and south so that shrine pavilions may be surrounded. 

                                      中神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden Inside

                                      中神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden Inside

                                    東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

                                        東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

                                        東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

                                    東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

                                   東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

琵琶湖疏水  Lake Biwa Canal

Supply of water transport, electric power, and city water, etc. realized the thing indispensable in order for Kyoto to reform as a modern-industries city at once, and Lake Biwa Canal was built about 100 years ago or more from now on ,and became the foundation of today's industrial prosperity.
Lake Biwa is located in Shiga Prefecture and it has the largest lake with a biggest storage capacity in Japan.
Nowadays, here becomes the healing place of young couples.

                                              琵琶湖疏水  Lake Biwa Canal


☆ 中国磁器‐美女人形 Chinese Porcelain Beauty Dolls


I had been lived in Taiwan till March, 2009.
The Chinese porcelain beauty doll was sold at a bargain price because a certain store would close its shop then.
The delicate, graceful, and fascinating porcelain doll has jumped into my eyes.
Although the doll was five bodies in one set, though it was regrettable, two bodies were already sold.

A white skin is extended to the fingertip and I feel that music is likely to flow truly from the musical instrument which the noble beauty plays.
They are just a celestial maiden's looks.
These dolls still show their faces gently in my living room.


☆ You Raise Me Up - Shizuka Arakawa 荒川静香



2006年のトリノオリンピックで、女子フィギュアースケート・シングル競技において、金メダルを獲得した。そのトリノ五輪のフリースケーティング本番でイナバウアー(Layback Ina Bauer)を披露して観衆の大喝采を浴びたのは、記憶に新しい。

Speaking Shizuka Arakawa, it is a professional figure skater who represents Japan.
There are a profound feeling and elongation in the elegance of the skating.

Our eyes were glued on her play and appearance of an adult woman and flexibility with a lot of confidence.   The 2006 Olympics in Turin - Figure skating competition in women's singles, she won the Gold Medal at last.  

Loud applause of the crowd was given to her play of Layback Ina-Bauer in Free
Skating, which is still fresh in our memory.


☆ 奈良・ 般若寺(こすもす寺)- Han'nyaji Temple in Nara

「花の寺・奈良般若寺 Flower Temple :  Han'nyaji Temple in Nara


I can go to visit the Han'nyaji Temple by 8 minutes by car.  When I visited this temple, cosmos flower was going to pass the time of full bloom.  It was foggy rain, but crowded with many tourists.


In Nara, there are many famous temples in the flowers.   In the bustle, the figure of the cosmos flower is blooming lovely and our heart will be healed quietly and friendly by beautiful flowers.

コスモス(Cosmos )は、一般的に、宇宙を秩序ある、調和のとれたシステムとみなす宇宙観である。
原産地メキシコ。  語源は、ギリシャ語の「秩序」「飾り」「美しい」という意味。

Cosmos is a view of the universe to be considered in general, an orderly universe,and a harmonious system.
Flower is the Mexican Origin.  
Etymology : meaning "Decoration", "Order",and also means "Beautiful" in Greek.

HAIKU by Mr. Shiki Masaoka (正岡子規の俳句)
般若寺の釣り鐘ほそし秋の風 Han-nya-ji no turigane hososhi akino kaze

Meaning: The hanging bell of the Han'nyaji Temple looks very slender by autumn wind.

When Mr.Shiki Masaoka visited the Han'nyaji Temple, where was deserted temple without any inhabitants and became rough after Anti-Buddist movement at the beginning of the Meiji-era (1868~)



☆ 燕の巣   Swallow's Nest






お陰さまで、今日、mrfive313写真館に訪問いただきましたアクセス数は、3939(Thank you, thank you)に達しました。海外からのアクセス数で多い順に国名を挙げますと、下記となっています。

Thanks to you, the number of accesses to mrfive photo studio totally reached 3939 (Japanese pronounciation is similar to Thank you,thank you in English)today.
If the name of a country is mentioned to order with much access, it will be like this.

① United States
② Russia
③ Ukraine
④ Taiwan
⑤ Malaysia
⑥ Germany
⑦ South Korea
⑧ Latvia
⑨ Mexico

中でも、最も新しい訪問者は、Mexicoからのアクセスです。Mexicoに敬意を表して、Mexicoの代表曲 ♪♪ マラゲーニャ・サレローサ  -  MALAGUENA SALEROSA♪♪ を聴いてください。

Especially, the newest visitor is from Mexico. Respect is expressed to Mexico and it is the representation music of Mexico.
Please listen to the song of ♪♪ Malaguena Salerosa♪♪.


The song is that of a man telling a woman(from Malaga, Spain) how beautiful she is, and how he would love to be her man, but that he understands her rejecting him for being too poor. 


☆ 奈良・佐保川・川路桜 七分咲き  [Nara-Saho River ] Cherry Blossoms soon to be in full bloom.


I thought that Winter of this year is longer than the conventional cold season, and also Spring will come late, but actually I saw cherry blossoms start flowering little by little around my residence area on April 4.    After that, suddenly advanced almost to be in full bloom on  April 7.  I believe it will be in full bloom around April 10 just as it did last year.

The Saho River is a first-class river extends about 20km from north of The Wakakusa Hill to join the Yamato River, and cherry trees are planted on both sides of The Saho River.
Some cherry trees are more than 160 years old, but this place is not widely known to people of other prefectures in spite of a good place.
Recently, I hear that tourists are increasing every year. I used to take pictures when it is in full bloom, but I tried just before in full bloom this time.
I feel very happy to be see the beautiful cherry blossoms and to enjoy the rambling there in a 3-minute walk from my house every year.

160年桜 (川路桜)

160年桜 (川路桜)

160年桜 (川路桜)


JR 奈良ー京都線