

☆ 大阪・御堂筋イルミネーション   Midosuji Illumination in Osaka

開催期間 20111214日~2012122


Opening period :  From December 14, 2011 to January 22, 2012

In Osaka, decorated with illumination by transposition of the symbol of Osaka Midosuji, creating a landscape unparalleled in the world, as the beautiful city of lights, creating a lively engaging people thoughout the activation of Osaka has has been came out of Midosuji illumination.
This year , extending 500m from the previous year, the longest in Japan conducted at approximately 1.9km.


本町南ガーデン・シティ前のイチョウの樹は、東日本震災 3・11からの復興を願い、みんなの共通の想いを表したデザインとメッセージで装飾されている。


 The Ginkgo trees in front of South Garden City of Honmachi are beautifully decorated by good designs and messages expressed the common desire of everyone.
" One for Everyone and Everyone for One." with the desire to recover from the 3・11 earthquake of East Japan.( occurred on March 11, 2011)

道頓堀 Dotonbori

心斎橋通り Shinsai-bashi Street


☆ メリークリスマス  Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year of 2012.


☆ 奈良・春日若宮おん祭り   Nara Kasuga Wakamiya Onmatsuri Festival

December 17, 2011, I have got an opportunity to see “On-matsuri”.  I hear the temperature is rapidly coming down at this time every year.


春日若宮おん祭りEnglish Version



Kasuga Wakamiya On-matsuri Festival (Improtant Intangible Cultural Property) is held on the 15th to the 17th of December.  In 1136, when a long rain caused famine and epidemics throughout the nation, this festival has started to save people.

This festival been held every year since Heian period (the 12th century) as one of the Japanese representative ceremony.  In this festival, the diety of Wakamiya is escorted to the detached shrine called ”otabisho”, and he is escorted again to his dwelling shrine.  The traditional grand procession and traditional performing arts that have been passed down since Heian period are offered in Otabisho-sai ceremony.


☆ 京都・高台寺 紅葉ライトアップ Kodaiji Temple in Kyoto - lighted up for Maple Leaves


Kodaiji is a temple of the Rinzai Ken-ninji Faction located at Higashiyama-Ku in Kyoto. It is named "Jubusan" as Sangou and also named "Kodaiji" as Jigou.
Both of Sangou and Jigou is the title of Buddhist Temple.  This temple was erected by Kitano-Man-Dokoro(Nene) who is the wedded wife of Warlord, Toyotomi Hideyoshi to pray for the souls of Hideyoshi.
Kodai-ji was named after Kodai-In which is the name of Nene as a Buddhist monk.  This is the Zen temple with Buddha and Shaka, and also with a temple dedicated to the characteristics of a mausoleum of Hideyoshi and Nene.


舞妓さんは、だれでもすぐに成れるものではありません。舞妓さんは、15歳から20歳くらいまでの未成年の少女のことで、舞妓として約5年間の修業を積んだ後、芸妓さんになります。京都に来れば、舞妓さんに会えると楽しみにしていた。 高台寺に向かう途中で、「あっ。舞妓さんだ。」と叫んで、喜んだのも束の間、実は貸衣装を着た偽の舞妓さんたちであることが分かった。 かわいい舞妓さんの姿になりたいと思う人もいるでしょう。 それで、インターネットで検索してみたら、実際に舞妓さんの姿になれる貸衣装屋さんがあるのです。


Maiko is an apprentice Geisha, not anyone who can become immediately.
Maikos are young girls from 15 upto 20 years old, and after spending approx. five years of their training as a Maiko, then they become real Geisha.

I was looking forward to seeing Maiko when I come to Kyoto.
On the way to the Kodaiji Temple, I saw them on the street."Oh, it's Maikos".
It was just a fleeting joy and they were found to be fake Maikos in rental costumes.
Some people want to become a Maiko wearing cute Kimono (Japanese traditional clothes).  Through internet, you can find costume rental shops, which can make you happy to become fake Maiko for a brief while though.

Geisha is women entertain the guests, and accompanied by musical instruments and musical performance in dance subjected to a banquet.


☆ 京都の台所・400年の歴史 錦市場  Nishiki Market: Kitchen of Kyoto, 400-year history

今回で、私が錦市場に来るのは2回目となった。いつ来ても、錦通りは、人で一杯。人波をかき分けて前に進む。活気と賑わいが魅力で、アジア諸国から沢山の観光客がやって来る。商店街の長さは390メートルにもなり、こんな長い商店街は見たことがない。 錦市場は、古代色の朱・緑・黄ときれいなアーケードに覆われた石畳の道。

This time was the second time to visit Nishiki Market in Kyoto.  Whenever I come here, shopping arcade is filled with many people who are not only from domestic but also from Asian countries. The length of the arcade is 390 meters.  Nishiki market is along the cobbled street and the arcade is beautifully covered with ancient colors of Red, Green and Yellow.

昔の錦市場では、地下水を利用した「降り井戸」で生ものを冷やして冷蔵庫の代わりをしていたそうだ。この地は、昔からきれいな地下水に恵まれていた。 江戸時代に入り、1615年に幕府より魚問屋の称号が許され、魚市場として栄えました。

Nishiki market in the past used groundwater wells as a refrigerator to cool raw foods.  This area was blessed with clean groundwater.  In 1615, the title of " Wholesalers of Fish"  was given from Shogunate of Edo Era and prospered as a fish market.


However, the current Nishiki Market sells seasonal ingredients, Kyoto vegetables, Pickles.   Also obtainable from dried Yuba, Eels, boiled Fish Paste to dried Tofu, Sushi, Sweets and Tea.


☆ 京都・二尊院 Nison-in (Kyoto)


「百人一首」で名高い小倉山の東麓にあるこの二尊院の名前の由来は、阿弥陀如来(Amida)、釈迦如来(Shaka)の二体のご本尊が在ることによる。 正しくは、「小倉山二尊教院華台寺」といい、明治以降天台宗に属している。嵯峨天皇の勅願により慈覚大師が承和年間(西暦834~847)に開山したといわれている。

The Nison-in, formally known as the Ogurayama Nison-in Kedaiji, enshrines two pribcipal images; Shaka and Amida.  Both of these images are national treasures. The temple was first built during the year 834-847 by Jtikaku Daishi under the patronage of Emperor Saga

In the past, when Kyoto was the Imperial Capital, the Nison-in was designated as one of the ”Four Auspicious Temples”.  Correct in its observance of formalities, it administered Imperial Buddhist Ceremonies.

At times when a High Priest was nominated, it was customary for him to visit the Imperial Palace and to receive the purple robe, the symbol of the highest rank in Buddhism.  All of these ceremonies, however, ceased when the Imperial Capital was shifted to Tokyo.