

☆ 大阪・御堂筋イルミネーション   Midosuji Illumination in Osaka

開催期間 20111214日~2012122


Opening period :  From December 14, 2011 to January 22, 2012

In Osaka, decorated with illumination by transposition of the symbol of Osaka Midosuji, creating a landscape unparalleled in the world, as the beautiful city of lights, creating a lively engaging people thoughout the activation of Osaka has has been came out of Midosuji illumination.
This year , extending 500m from the previous year, the longest in Japan conducted at approximately 1.9km.


本町南ガーデン・シティ前のイチョウの樹は、東日本震災 3・11からの復興を願い、みんなの共通の想いを表したデザインとメッセージで装飾されている。


 The Ginkgo trees in front of South Garden City of Honmachi are beautifully decorated by good designs and messages expressed the common desire of everyone.
" One for Everyone and Everyone for One." with the desire to recover from the 3・11 earthquake of East Japan.( occurred on March 11, 2011)

道頓堀 Dotonbori

心斎橋通り Shinsai-bashi Street

2 件のコメント:

  1. Nice photos of sparkling street life. Wishing you a very happy new year, Mr.five!

  2. Dear Barbara,
    Thank you for writing today. The healing light of the LED lamp has a warm heart. We wish to be a great year for you in 2012.
    Wishing you a happy new year, too.
