

☆ 奈良・若草山山焼き    Prescribed burn on the Wakakusayama in Nara

  This photo was taken from the roof of my house.(自宅屋上から撮影)


January 28 is the day of the prescribed burn was conducted annually on the Wakakusayama in Nara. Fortunately, it is clearly visible from the roof of my house.
Fireworks will be begun in the quiet and dark night from 6:00 p.m. The road to the Wakakusayama is paralyzed traffic with many cars.
After enjoying the fireworks, the event of a prescribed burn on the Wakakusayama begins.
All fires in the mountains around 33 hectares. Burning on the mountains in the night looks very mysterious.

① 若草山頂にある鶯塚古墳の霊魂を鎮める杣人(そまびと)の祭礼。鶯塚古墳は、日本で最も高い所に築造された前方後円墳で、全長103m、前方部幅50m、後円部径61mの規模を持ち、周辺には円墳、方墳などが3基ほど確認されている。
② 若草山を年内もしくは、1月ごろまでに焼かなければ、翌年になにか不祥事が起こると考えられていた。
③ 若草山一帯をめぐる春日大社・興福寺と東大寺の領地争いが元である。
④ 春の芽生えを良くするための原始的な野焼きの遺風を伝えたもの。

There are several theories about the origin of the events for prescribed burn on the Wakakusayama.

① This is the festival that Woodcutters appease the spirits of burial mounds of Uguisuzuka (keyhole-shaped mound) on the Wakakusayama, which was built in the highest place in Japan. (103m length, 50m width of the front portion and 61m diameter at the trailing circle.) Also, near to this burial mound, there are a rectangular tomb and circle tomb have been identified.

② People consider that the Wakakusayama should be burned within the end of the year or until around January, otherwise something of scandals will occur in the following year.

③ It is due to the dispute over the territory of the Todaiji Temple and Kasuga & Kofukuji Temple.

④ It was conveyed the primitive tradition of open burning in order to improve the seedlings in spring.


☆ MISIA - 逢いたくていま Love to meet you now.

逢いたくていま MISIA 歌詞情報 - goo 音楽


☆ 奈良・春日大社「初詣」 明けましておめでとうございます。 Nara ・Kasuga Shrine「First Praying in 2012」 A Happy New Year !

春日大社正門 Kasuga Shrine Entrance

Good Luck Charm is sold.


The New Year was calmly opened and our family went to Kasuga Shrine on January 2 to pray to God as an annual event for my family’s fortune .
We have bought paper fortune and results were all [good luck], and mine was [the best luck].  On my paper fortune, I found the words written as warning as follows.
“Generally, in human life, unexpected incident may happen even on social work, on a personal without size.   At that time, it is no good to make noise like panic.
And you need to cultivate steadfast mind doing always a regular basis (imperturbability) as if nothing happened.

Good Luck Charm.

People will buy fortune paper and open it instantly to check his fortune for this year.

If someone picked up bad luck by fortune paper, it will be tied to the cords or the branch of the trees before leaving the Shrine.

Deer is the messenger of the God.

Good business for the sales of Rice Cakes.

Filled with a lot of worshipers from early morning.

Butaman(Steamed yeast bun with minced pork filling) and Amazake(Sweet Rice Wine) are selling well.


In the year of 786, Kasuga Shrine was built in order to pray for the prosperity of the people and guardian of Heijo-kyo (the oldest capital in Japan), which located in the western foothills of the Mikasa Mountain followed by Kasugayama primeval forest and enshrines the tutelary deity of the Fujiwara.

Since the God came to the land of Nara riding on a white deer, and deer are treated as the messenger of the God.
Kasuga Shrine and Kasugayama primeval forest were registered as a World Heritage Site in 1998 as Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara. It was the ancient Soul Mountain which altitude 294m.

Oh, lots of people.

Music performance by Japanese traditional instruments, harp and flute to celebrate the New Year.

To celebrate the New Year, distribute free drinks of Sake.(Japanese Rice Wine)

People will buy the fortune card and write a wish on the card.