

☆ 台湾(淡水)ゴルフクラブ  Taiwan ( Tamsui) Golf Club

台湾(淡水)ゴルフクラブは、台湾で一番古いゴルフコースである。世界の名門コース50のひとつに選ばれている。 このコースは、日本人の赤星四郎氏の設計で、台湾海峡と淡水河口に近い丘陵地帯に位置する。よって、各ホールで高低差があり、距離も長く見た目以上に難しいコースで、その難しさがプレーしてみて初めてわかる。

筆者  Writer (Mr.Five)

Taiwan (Tamsui) Golf Club is the oldest Golf course in Taiwan and selected as the one of the prestigious Golf Course 50 in the world. This course was designed by Mr.S.Akahoshi, Japanese. It is located in the hilly regions of the Taiwan Straits and Tamsui estuary, this is the reason why you will find the height difference with each hole. Also, it is said the distance is long and feel difficult than it looks. The difficulty can be seen to play.
The history of Golf in Taiwan was born by this Golf course, which is the stately full-fledged championship course. Many people want to play at this course for just one time. Even beginners or single players can enjoy this course.

20111024日に、台湾のメーカーさんからのご招待を受け、日本のお客様とこのゴルフコースに挑戦することになった。この日は、快晴。気温は、29℃。 当日は、暑かったが我慢できる暑さの中でのプレーで、大いに楽しむことが出来た。19年間、住んだことのある台湾でゴルフができる嬉しさを感じた。台湾にいた時は、年間50回ほどプレーしたことがあり、私のベストスコアーは、86で決して上手な方ではない。日本に帰国してから2年半になるが、腰痛に悩まされ、ゴルフにならないほどスコアーが悪くなった。しかし、この難しいゴルフコースでのスコアーは、なんと100 (OUT 52 IN 48) であったが、なんとか回復基調にあり、次に繋がるプレーができたので大満足であった。。しかし、腰痛を抑えるための鎮痛剤を飲んでのプレーであった。
On 24 October,2011, I received an invitation from the Taiwanese manufacturer and decided to challenge this Golf Course together with Japanese customer.  On this day, it was sunny and temperature was 29.  I have lived for 19 years in Taiwan, and enjoyed almost 50 times to play in the various golf courses every year.  But I was not a good player, because 86 was my best score.  I returned to Japan two and half year ago and suffered from Back pain for long time.  This is the reason why I was compelled to have incomparably worse in golf score, but now my Back pain is getting better day by day.
My score was 100 (Out 52 + In 48) , but it was a great satisfaction in spite of back pain, which will lead the next play.  It was good to play golf having painkiller medicine.

淡水河口と観音山  Tamsui Estuary & Mt. Kwan-In-Shan

 Nice Vie from Taiwan(Tamsui) Golf Course

It is really a beautiful Golf Couse.

Heh, I think about views of Hawaii golf course.


☆ 奈良県立民族博物館・古民家  Nara Prefectural Folk Museum - Old Houses

I recently visited Nara Prefectural Folk Museum which was opened in 1974.
This Museum collected and shows public display approximately 42,000 items of life equipments and people fittings which people living in Nara nurtured in a culture and maintained through repeated improvements.

古民家① One of the old houses in Nara

There is Yamato People Park in there, which has a vast site of 26.6 ha, and we can enjoy seasonal flowers and forest bath.
And also, we can see the old houses which have been well preserved since Edo Era(1603~1867). It is very interesting

水車小屋 Traditional Water Mill

「白花萩」シロバナハギ  Lespedeza var albiflora

Unlike Lespedeza bicolor (purple color), this white Lespedeza will let me feel sad in somewhere.

古民家 ②  One of the old houses in Nara

酔芙蓉(すいふよう)の花 (Hibiscus mutabilis ‘Versicolor’)  Drunken Hibiscus

[Drunken Hibiscus] blooms in white in the morning and gradually changes to pink in the afternoon, then it becomes more red in the evening.  And, next morning, they will be withered.
In the light of this, it is called as [Drunken Hibiscus].

古民家 ③ One of the old houses in Nara

どんぐりの木  Acorn Tree

Acorn is one of the family of oak beech and it is the general term for fruits.

Hand weaving machine of old style.

古民家 ④ One of the old houses in Nara

The typical costume of the girl picking tea leaves in Japan.

古民家 ⑤ One of the old houses in Nara

古民家 ⑥ One of the old houses in Nara


☆ 中国の十二支    Chinese Zodiac

Спасибо за глядя на мой блог из России.


Chinese Zodiac

  • お釈迦様のもとに新年の挨拶に来た順番に動物を割り当てた。
  • 十二支の動物を指定日に挨拶に来た順番に決定する、というお釈迦様の招集により集まった。
  • 牛は足が遅いので早めに行ったものの、一番乗りしたのは牛の背中に乗っていた鼠だった。
  • 鶏が猿と犬の間になったのは仲の悪い両者を仲裁していたため。
  • 鼠は猫に挨拶に行く日を尋ねられた際に嘘をつき、実際よりも一日遅い日を教えたため、猫は十二支に入ることができなかった。それを根に持った猫は鼠を追いかけるようになった。
  • 猫は鼠の嘘を信じて一日遅れて挨拶に行ったため、お釈迦様から「今まで寝ていたのか。顔を洗って出直して来い」と言われ、それからよく顔を洗うようになった。

    Main Gate of Tenmangu Shrine

Recently, when I went to Tenmangu Shrine in Osaka, I suddenly looked up at the ceiling of the main gate and found something like a giant and painted Zodiac medal were pasted.  The beautiful design and multi colors fascinated me for a while.
Chinese Zodiac is the generic name for Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

* Narrative about the origin of Chinese Zodiac
The Chinese Zodiac is based on a twelve year cycle, each year being represented by an animal. Find the year you were born to determine your own sign.
When you talk about birth is unknown, there are anecdotes about the Zodiac animals. Let me introduce two stories about how did it.

Assigned to the animals came in order to greet for the New Year under the Buddha.

Determine the order came to greet on the specified date of the Zodiac animals gathered by the convocation of the Buddha.

The notion has been brought the following results.
     Although Ox can’t walk fast, so started earlier, but the first one was Rat to arrive, because the Rat was riding on the back of the Ox.
     Relation between Monkey and Dog were not good. While, Rooster arrived in between them, because the Rooster was in arbitration for them.
     The Rat told a lie to the Cat when he asked the Rat about the date to go to greet, but he was told one day later than it actually is.   Therefore, the Cat could not enter the Zodiac.  The Cat which got angry to it began to chase the Rat since then.
     Because the Cat went to greet one day later by believing the lie of the Rat, the Buddha told the Cat,” Were you sleeping till now? Come on again after washing your face.”  Since then, the Cat began to wash the face well.
