

大阪・通天閣  Tsutenkaku Tower in Osaka


Tsutenkaku was built in 1954  and it is a symbol of Osaka, Japan.



Biliken is loved for 100 years around the world

Mr. Billiken, according to the documentation that tourism Tsutenkaku owned, born 1908. The author is the United States of female artists, Florence Pretz, nicknamed "Billy" of William of William Howard Taft at the time of the President, was added to the suffix [-ken] representing [the small] is the origin of the name .

Restaurant for Octopus Dumplings (Takoyaki)

Takoyaki is a popular Japanese savory snack (especially in Osaka area) in the shape of little round balls. It contains pieces of octopus served with Takoyaki sauce and Japanese mayonnaise.

Kushikatsu restaurant

Kushikatsu is fried vegetables and meat on skewers.

Kushikatsu restaurant

Restaurant for boiled fugu dish.Fugu fish is a globefish, a blowfish.

Kushikatsu restaurant since 1929
(Chained restaurant)

           Barber's shop (Very cheap)


芍薬   A Chinese Peony


Kyuhoji Ryokuchi Koen Park in Osaka

「立てば芍薬、座れば牡丹、歩く姿は百合の花」She sits and stands a peony and walks a lily.


こいのぼりフェスタ1000    Carp Streamers Festival 1000 ( at Takatsuki City in Osaka)


Carp Streamers Festival 1000 was held at Takatsuki City in Osaka to celebrate Children's Day for May 5 as Boy's Day in Japan.

4月30日に我が生まれ故郷の高槻市の芥川沿いの桜堤公園で開催中(5月6日まで)のこいのぼり フェスタ1000を見てきました。約1000匹の鯉が大空に舞う雄姿は最高に楽しく、まるで 子供時代に帰ったようでした。