

☆ お正月迎春飾り  New Year Decoration in Japan


New Year Decoration in Japan
New Year decoration is loaded with the meaning which wishes the bumper crop and sound health and also, with the meaning of a welcome a new year by driving off impurity and cleanse the mind of an old year, and meets God for the year of the new year, and deifies the ancestral soul.
Today I put a decoration on the entrance of my house for welcoming a happy new year.
Usually, it is decorated till January 15 every year.

We have only three days to reach the year of 2013.
I will pray that the year of 2013 turn into a wonderful year for you with wishing for your health and happiness, and would like to express many thanks to you who visited to my blog.
I do hope that more repeaters and new readers will visit and give me more comments to my blog.


☆ メリー・クリスマス  Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve - Song by Tatsuro Yamashita クリスマス・イブ - 山下達郎

雨は夜更け過ぎに 雪へと変わるだろう Silent Night, Holy Night きっと君は来ない ひとりきりのクリスマス・ィブ Silent Night, Holy Night

心深く秘めた想い 叶えられそうもない 必ず今夜なら言えそうな気がした Silent Night, Holy Night まだ消え残る君への想い 夜へと降り続く 街角にはクリスマス・ツリー 銀色のきらめき Silent Night, Holy Night

雨は夜更け過ぎに雪へと変わるだろう Silent Night, Holy Night きっと君は来ない ひとりきりのクリスマス・イブ Silent Night, Holy Night


☆ 「七宝焼」 Cloisonne ware

「七宝焼」 Cloisonne ware

私の姪は、幼きころから、なかなかユニークなイラストを描いていた。 将来は、画家かイラストレーターに向いているのではないかと思ったくらいだった。 しかし、実際は、その道には進まなかったのは残念だ。

My niece was drawing something unique illustration from her childhood age. I thought that she would be suitable for a painter or illustrator in the future. However, not having gone to that direction, it is regrettable in practice for me.


Then, she goes to the direction of "cloisonne ware" and came to express not a small thing like a brooch but big pictures by "cloisonne ware." Attached photographs are one of some works which the niece gave to me.


It is said that "cloisonne ware" is calcinated what applied glaze to metal at high temperature, and it is traditional handicrafts which give beautiful enamel-like coloring to the surface, and the technique produced in the Middle East got across to China via the Silk Road, and it was brought to Japan from there.


The history of cloisonne ware is very old, enameling on metal is already made in birthplace Egypt of glass in B.C. 4000, and blue glass was inserted also in the mask of Tut-Ankh-Amun's gold. Moreover, it is said that enameling on metal was used also for the pattern of the arms of a Celt race, or a horse implement which lived in Europe from before the Roman Empire ruled over.

陶器 Ceramics Art


My niece made the doll of the china by herself more than 25 years ago, then she gave it to me as a present. As long as time allows, it is being wished I want her to continue to make more wonderful works.


☆ 大阪・土佐堀川と能楽  The Tosabori-gawa River in Osaka and Play of Noh Drama

      (You can enjoy a larger size of photo by clicking on the photo.)
大阪市役所と土佐堀川 Osaka City Hall and the Tosabori-gawa River

12月に入ると朝晩が、めっきり寒くなる。 水の都「大阪」、中之島の南を流れる土佐堀川に来た。現在の大阪市内の橋の数は、838.これが 「なにわ八百八橋」と言われる所以である。

When in December, it will be getting much colder in the morning and night. I came up to the Tosabori-gawa River which flows in the south in NAkanoshima through the city of Osaka [the capital of Water ]. There are 808 bridges in Osaka and this is the reason why it is called as “Happyaku-yabashi” namely 808 bridges.


It is said that the Tosaborigawa River on the south is [Front River] and the Dojimagawa River on the north is [Back River] and they say there were daimyo's city storehouse by feudal clans along the shore, and was crowded with the boats loading with loading with the product of countries, and was a place of the Osaka merchant's activity during the Edo period in Japan.

大阪図書館(大阪府立中之島図書館) Osaka Prefectural Nakanoshima Library

能楽と狂言 Enjoying Noh and Kyogen played in front of the Library

Play of Noh Drama