

☆ 京都・二尊院 Nison-in (Kyoto)


「百人一首」で名高い小倉山の東麓にあるこの二尊院の名前の由来は、阿弥陀如来(Amida)、釈迦如来(Shaka)の二体のご本尊が在ることによる。 正しくは、「小倉山二尊教院華台寺」といい、明治以降天台宗に属している。嵯峨天皇の勅願により慈覚大師が承和年間(西暦834~847)に開山したといわれている。

The Nison-in, formally known as the Ogurayama Nison-in Kedaiji, enshrines two pribcipal images; Shaka and Amida.  Both of these images are national treasures. The temple was first built during the year 834-847 by Jtikaku Daishi under the patronage of Emperor Saga

In the past, when Kyoto was the Imperial Capital, the Nison-in was designated as one of the ”Four Auspicious Temples”.  Correct in its observance of formalities, it administered Imperial Buddhist Ceremonies.

At times when a High Priest was nominated, it was customary for him to visit the Imperial Palace and to receive the purple robe, the symbol of the highest rank in Buddhism.  All of these ceremonies, however, ceased when the Imperial Capital was shifted to Tokyo.

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