

☆ 京都・平安神宮神苑  Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden in Kyoto

1118日(日) 素晴らしい紅葉を見ようと京都にでかけた。

          (You can enjoy a larger size of photo by clicking on the photo.)

I went out to see the beautiful autumn leaves in Kyoto on November 18.
The Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden known in and abroad widely as a typical Japanese garden of Meiji Era, which consists of four yards of the east, inside, the west, and south so that shrine pavilions may be surrounded. 

                                      中神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden Inside

                                      中神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden Inside

                                    東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

                                        東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

                                        東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

                                    東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

                                   東神苑      Heian Jingu Shrine sacred garden East

琵琶湖疏水  Lake Biwa Canal

Supply of water transport, electric power, and city water, etc. realized the thing indispensable in order for Kyoto to reform as a modern-industries city at once, and Lake Biwa Canal was built about 100 years ago or more from now on ,and became the foundation of today's industrial prosperity.
Lake Biwa is located in Shiga Prefecture and it has the largest lake with a biggest storage capacity in Japan.
Nowadays, here becomes the healing place of young couples.

                                              琵琶湖疏水  Lake Biwa Canal

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