

☆ 梅一輪一輪ほどの暖かさ     Flowers of Japanese Apricots

●   梅一輪 一輪ほどの暖かさ    (Japanese Apricot )     

When the plum tree blooms with each new bloom, it's becoming warmer. (英訳


This is the famous Haiku composed by Ransetsu Hattori in Japan.
The meaning is that every flower of a plum brings the warm climate little by little toward the spring.


I have visited the Plum Tree Park in the Ethnographic Museum in Nara Prefecture.  In there, approx. 140 plum trees are planted in 3 types of red, white and yellow blossoms.  We can appreciate the beautiful plum blossoms between mid-January and the beginning of April.  Unfortunately, yellow blossoms already had withered because the heyday of it already passed.


We can enjoy the plum flower for long term unlike the cherry blossoms.
Some kinds of plum begin to bloom from mid-January and the other kinds begin to bloom from mid-March, and plum blossoms will bloom slowly and also fall slowly.
While, cherry blossoms will be in bloom almost all at once from the end of March and early April, but they will be falling within a short period of time, therefore Plum and Cherry is really in contrast.


They say that it was popular to watch the flower of the plum among the aristocracy during the Heian period from the Nara era (7101192).
The reason is that they were enjoying in reading the poem (songs) admiring the plum flowers beginning to bloom though it is still cold from mid-January, and waiting for the distant spring every minute.  It was really an elegant entertainment, isn’t it?
Then, it became popular to watch the cherry blossoms in earnest from around the Edo period (16001867).




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