私が住む古都奈良には、毎月色んな行事が開催され、我々の目を楽しませてくれる。2月8日から14日まで「しあわせ回廊 なら瑠璃絵」が開催され、約10万個の発光ダイオード(LED)で春日大社、東大寺、興福寺の3社寺を光の回廊でつないでいる。
Many events are held monthly in Nara as an old capital, pleasing our eyes. The event of “Happy Corridor – Nara Rurie” are held until Feb.14 from Feb.8, connected by a Corridor of lights by approx.100,000pcs of LED(the Light-Emitting Diode) from Kasuga Shrine, Todaiji Temple and Kofukuji Temple.
In Nara Park Area, the objects are beautifully illuminated by lamps and creating a fantastic space indeed. This event began in 2010, and the third time this year. Last year, approx. 370,000 people have visited and has established itself as a popular annual event of the winter.
因みに、瑠璃はラピス‐ラズリ【lapis lazuli】 のことで、「ラピス」とはラテン語で石のこと。「ラズリ」は、ペルシャ語で青の意で、藍青色を呈している。主産地は、アフガニスタン。
Incidentally, “Ruri” in Japanese means Lapis Lazuli. “Lapis” means Stone in Latin and “Lazuli” means blue in Persian, indigo blue exhibited. The main production area is Afghanistan.
まさに、「しあわせ回廊 なら瑠璃絵」で瑠璃色に輝くLEDは、幻想的で美しく訪れる人々の心を和ませてくれる。
Exactly, LED color shining in fantastic and beautiful with Lapis Lazuli color in the picture of “Happy Corridor – Nara Rurie” bring a smile to someone’s face and hearts of people.

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