

☆ 京都・高台寺 紅葉ライトアップ Kodaiji Temple in Kyoto - lighted up for Maple Leaves


Kodaiji is a temple of the Rinzai Ken-ninji Faction located at Higashiyama-Ku in Kyoto. It is named "Jubusan" as Sangou and also named "Kodaiji" as Jigou.
Both of Sangou and Jigou is the title of Buddhist Temple.  This temple was erected by Kitano-Man-Dokoro(Nene) who is the wedded wife of Warlord, Toyotomi Hideyoshi to pray for the souls of Hideyoshi.
Kodai-ji was named after Kodai-In which is the name of Nene as a Buddhist monk.  This is the Zen temple with Buddha and Shaka, and also with a temple dedicated to the characteristics of a mausoleum of Hideyoshi and Nene.


舞妓さんは、だれでもすぐに成れるものではありません。舞妓さんは、15歳から20歳くらいまでの未成年の少女のことで、舞妓として約5年間の修業を積んだ後、芸妓さんになります。京都に来れば、舞妓さんに会えると楽しみにしていた。 高台寺に向かう途中で、「あっ。舞妓さんだ。」と叫んで、喜んだのも束の間、実は貸衣装を着た偽の舞妓さんたちであることが分かった。 かわいい舞妓さんの姿になりたいと思う人もいるでしょう。 それで、インターネットで検索してみたら、実際に舞妓さんの姿になれる貸衣装屋さんがあるのです。


Maiko is an apprentice Geisha, not anyone who can become immediately.
Maikos are young girls from 15 upto 20 years old, and after spending approx. five years of their training as a Maiko, then they become real Geisha.

I was looking forward to seeing Maiko when I come to Kyoto.
On the way to the Kodaiji Temple, I saw them on the street."Oh, it's Maikos".
It was just a fleeting joy and they were found to be fake Maikos in rental costumes.
Some people want to become a Maiko wearing cute Kimono (Japanese traditional clothes).  Through internet, you can find costume rental shops, which can make you happy to become fake Maiko for a brief while though.

Geisha is women entertain the guests, and accompanied by musical instruments and musical performance in dance subjected to a banquet.

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