

☆ 京都・祇園の桜と舞妓はん Cherry Blossoms and Maiko Girls (Apprentice Geiko)

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京都・円山公園 枝垂れ桜

桜 ・ 祇園白川 舞妓はん

京都を訪れるとなにか不思議と心ときめく。 奈良に住む私にとって、奈良には奈良の良さがあるが、京都の良さとは、大きく違う。


Nara was the ancient capital of Japan in 710 AD, but the period is less than 100 years.
In 794 AD, removal of the capital to Kyoto was made and since then, its culture spread widely and became a form that works in the world.
For me, as far as taste of the town concerned, I feel negative for Nara and positive for Kyoto . Especially I feel the courteousness that rooted in the massive activeness bright.


Today I could encounter the Maikos of “Flower of Kyoto”.   I was just expected, but  could not believe it.  It was really lucky for me.


If Sakura and Maiko enter the same photo frame, it will be a really good picture, and it will because they complete for beauty and glamor to each other.
Cherry trees suddenly bloom flowers after endured in the winter of bitter cold and bud swells as the day warm.

On the other hand, after a tough apprenticeship of the traditional dance and songs
with the aim of Geisha’s. (* Called Maiko an apprenticeship before becoming a Geisha of up to 20 years from 15 years old), they will appear on the stage in the footlight as a Geisha.
The appearance from which brightness oozes with the disposition that it comes from the grand inside resembles a cherry tree.

京都・祇園白川  辰巳大明神

京都・祇園白川 桜風景





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